Sn-n-ics with Prescribed Norms. 7th May 2024. The Spring of Rational Points
Sn-n-ics with Prescribed Norms. 29th January 2024. Warwick Junior Number Theory Seminar
(Some) Nonabelian Number Fields with Prescribed Norms. 23rd January 2024. London Junior Number Theory Seminar
S4-quartics with Prescribed Norms. 17th March 2023. CIRM Conference in Arithmetic Statistics
S4-quartics with Prescribed Norms. 19th April 2023. Linfoot Number Theory Seminar. Notes
Counting Wildly Ramified Quartic Extensions with Fixed Galois Group. 11th April 2023. ICMS AAA Workshop Slides
Brauer Groups of CM K3 Surfaces. 22nd March 2023. Study Group on Brauer-Manin Obstruction. Notes
S4-quartics with Prescribed Norms. 9th March 2023. KCL Internal Number Theory Seminar.
S4-quartics with Prescribed Norms. 12th December 2022. The Advent of Rational Points. Notes
The Brauer Group of a Scheme. 23rd November 2022. Study Group on Brauer-Manin Obstruction. Notes for this talk. Notes for the whole study group
G-Categories, Witt Vectors, and Affine Spaces. 19th October 2022. Study Group on Smooth Profinite Groups. Notes
Complex Multiplication of Elliptic Curves. 11th October 2022. London Junior Number Theory Seminar. Notes
K3 Surfaces. 3rd October 2022. KCL/UCL Junior Geometry Seminar. Notes
Formalising The Krull Topology in Lean. 23rd September 2022. CICM 2022. Slides
Spectral Sequences. 16th September 2022. Étale cohomology reading group. Handwritten notes. Typed notes
Parametrising Number Fields. 24th August 2022. Y-RANT 2022. Rough notes
[Formalising] The Krull Topology [in Lean]. 10th June 2022. London Learning Lean Seminar. Youtube link
Fundamental Groups and Fundamental Theorems. PROMYS Europe, August 2021